Iran literature 





Saturday, October 30, 2004

This poetry has been selected as “poem of the week” in “poets against the war”.
Hadi Mohammadzadeh, “Exploding the grenade in windows” (Iran, 10/16/04)
Like a bear after honey
You are raiding the oil wells
And you are consuming all the oil refineries
And tar is dripping from your lips
You offered to soldiers the cigar of the death
World's Chimpanzees are your right counselor
And World's hyenas are your left counselor
Oil wells are your wife's dowry
And gas wells are your daughter's dowry too.
You are playing hide and seek with your brothers in caves!
You keep your eyes And Bin Laden hides then Molla Omar keeps his eyes and you hide!
You explode the grenade in windows
And Afghan and Faluje's children are burning in fire.
A crackbrain threw a stone in a well and the world was addled!
Your breakfast is nuclear meal
And your dinner is radium and monkey's brainO grown-up with nukes's milk
And atomic nipples

O sir inverse!
O sir semicircle!
Tie your halter to Pisa Tower
Until you don't fall from the other 11 September
O sir buffalo!
You throw democracy stones from airplane over people's heads
And people with broken heads are required to salute you.
See! you were converted to poets against the war's guinea pig!
Your brain is made of sheep's tripe
Your Pupil is made of molten tar For laughing Sometimes
Can make a brain from sheep's tripe
For a president who thinks like a houseflyYou are like Pharaohs and mummies
And like a monkey
Who jumps out of a country to another country and oil well to another oil well.
How should you search the atomic dust
After lenitive pills for Condoleeza Rice and opiate pills for Powell?O sir rubbish!
The world isn't debris
And humankind isn't atomic dust!
Your defense minister is a feebleminded human
And your right counselor is primitive man
And Rice is troglodyte woman
Hang yourself from the sky! like a spider
Until you don't see earth like a rectangular bed!

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